Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Outman: Governor’s radical energy plans are impractical and irresponsible
RELEASE|August 30, 2023
Contact: Pat Outman

Legislator defends local control in rural communities

State Rep. Pat Outman (R-Six Lakes) today expressed deep concern about the proposals Gov. Whitmer made during her “What’s Next” address, which included legislation mandating 100% carbon-free electricity production on an impractical timeline and overriding local control to implement green energy projects.

House Democrats have already introduced House Bills 4759-4761, which would force Michigan electric companies to use entirely carbon-free power sources by 2035, prematurely closing natural gas plants and halting all investment in nuclear power, a clean and reliable energy source.

“Taking steps to reduce carbon emissions should be done in a responsible fashion that doesn’t cause our state’s economy to suffer,” Outman said. “But the Democrats’ half-baked plan is one of the most radical energy policies in the nation. The fact is Michigan’s energy rates are already higher than neighboring states, and this only stands to exacerbate the problem and increase the overall cost of living here in Michigan. When the cost of energy goes up – the cost of everything increases.”

The governor also referenced her plans to give state government the power to permit solar projects by shifting control away from local government.

“Large-scale solar projects could have significant ramifications in some communities. Local officials know what’s best in their unique corners of the state,” Outman said. “The governor should respect their roles and stay out of community-level issues. My Republican colleagues are digging in our heels when it comes to maintaining local control.”

            Outman also said he fears valuable Michigan farmland, which employs thousands of workers and ensures affordable food availability for families throughout the state, is at risk for being turned into solar fields, which Democrats will need to achieve their aggressive carbon-free timeline.

            “The governor has Big Solar in her ear, but I’ve got my constituents in mine,” Outman said. “I’ll be raising their voices at every turn of this legislative process.”


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